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Circle Stats

2016 October Rental Market Conditions Report

Eric Guggenheimer - Tuesday, November 15, 2016
October is following a steeper trend started in September. The downward trend began in July and has seen a steady decline every month. This is compared to units rented in 2015; we are seeing levels similar to 2012 and 2013. Units rented compared to 2015 July -1.8% August -1.4% September -12.3% October -16% Active units c...

Market update 2016 January thru August

Eric Guggenheimer - Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Our region and all of Fairfax County have performed well in comparison to 2015. We have seen small gains in Average Rent, improved Days on Market, with a significant improvement with Active Units. The quantity of Units Rented has remained constant through out the years, with very little difference year over year. The variable in obtaining...

2015 Year End Market Condition Report

Eric Guggenheimer - Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Rental Over-Supply, reverses trend in November vs. December (17% + above average supply) The Rental and Sales market for 2015 was interesting to say the least. We have seen the supply of rentals go from a high of 20% above average supply to parity by the end of the year. This has been a marvelous reversal of a trend we began to worry ab...

November 2015 Market statistics for rentals and sales

Eric Guggenheimer - Monday, December 7, 2015
The rental market has seen a shift to lower supply but we have seen evidence of the over-supply effecting Rents in 2015 based on the average rent chart below. Because the supply was high in the first half of 2015 we saw a much more competitive rental market resulting in lower average rents for November. As the inventory declines we s...

September Market Condition Report 2015

Eric Guggenheimer - Thursday, October 15, 2015
As we enter the fall and winter market we try to examine trends and gain some insight to the coming year. As we look backwards we see year-to-date 2015 has been one of the more challenging years. The greatest influence has been the supply of rentals averaging 20 percent above previous years resulting in a more competitive market. As we a...

Inventory is on the rise - July

Eric Guggenheimer - Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Supply of Rental Units (Active Units) July has been an interesting month to say the least. Our concerns from previous months have been evident in the charts. The inventory has been higher than previous years and we actually started to chart the “active inventory” since the beginning of 2014 born from our concern that we may...

Rental Market Improves for February

Eric Guggenheimer - Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Rental Market improves in February 2015 Our forecast in January was a bit gloomy.  The data did indicate that we had a soft month mainly due to oversupply in the rental market which resulted in an average of 65 days on the market. Some had more and some had less but we were concerned about the supply of rentals being too high for ...

Inventory is on the rise.

Eric Guggenheimer - Monday, February 9, 2015
January Chill is in the Air!  We have seen a spike in active rental units as compared to 2014. In Fairfax county Virginia there is 1255 available units as compared to 967 units available in January 2014, a 23% increase in AVAILABLE rental units. We consider anything more than 15% out of norms but we are not too concerned because o...

2014 Year End Market Conditions Report

Eric Guggenheimer - Sunday, January 4, 2015
Was 2014 A Good Year? The answer to the question is, “yes!”   When we measure success in the rental market the bellwether statistic is rental income.  Rents continue to rise year over year - with Fairfax County’s average rent settling in at $2,212.33  for all of 2014. That’s an 8% inc...

November Norms Stand True

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, December 3, 2014
November Norms Stand True When it comes to Rentals we seem to be tracking about the same numbers as 2013 and an 11+ percent improvement over 2012 and 2011.  Now as far as Home Sales we have seen a steady decline in November for the past two years with some of the slack taken up by rentals. Overall the year is still trending close ...

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