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Circle Stats

Market Overview of Rental Property Supply for Fairfax County

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Want to know more about Market Rental Property Statistics for Fairfax County, Virginia? See our next video.

When is the Optimal Time of Year to Rent my Fairfax County Property?

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Our clients are always looking to maximize their real estate investment and look to obtain the highest rent possible in Fairfax county. As such, a common question we get asked by our clients is, in the Northern Virginia market, when is the optimal time of year to rent my property? At what time in the year can I expect the highest potentia...

Boarding House vs. Roommate Rental for Landlords

Eric Guggenheimer - Tuesday, September 4, 2018
If you’re a property owner and considering renting out your home, you may be considering different types of lease options.   Having a roommate-style living arrangement or a boarding house both offer pros and cons for landlords. In both living arrangements, it’s essential to abide by the applicable codes in your county bef...

Is the Fairfax Rental Market Slow in the Summertime?

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Recommended Tenant Documents and Procedures for Renting Your Property

Eric Guggenheimer - Friday, July 20, 2018
When you’ve decided to invest in an income property or to rent out your own property, there are certain documents and procedures that are vital to protecting both you and your property while tenants are there. Renting your property can be a great financial investment—but taking the right steps to ensure that your agreement is...

How we Manage the Leasing Process

Eric Guggenheimer - Monday, July 9, 2018
Afraid of turning over your property for leasing? We offer an app that help us manage this crucial part of the leasing process.

Don’t Sweat Your Income Property This Summer—4 Issues You Need to Address Now

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, June 20, 2018
The summer is a busy time for just about everyone—people are finally taking that vacation time, the kids are out of school, and the weather is beautiful. When enjoying your summer, it’s important to ensure your rental property is taken care of before you go on vacation mode.   It feels easy just to let your tenants know y...

Potential Unforeseen Costs of Managing Your Own Rental Property

Eric Guggenheimer - Thursday, May 24, 2018
Having a rental property provides an extra source of income, but managing your own rental property can mean extra headaches if you’re not prepared for handling your investment!Managing your own rental property certainly comes with unforeseen challenges and costs. The following are some expenses you might not have anticipated as a la...

How does Circle PM manage property maintenance?

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, May 9, 2018
 Do you want to keep your home in working order? We can help you, with our maintenance management service. Our vendors guarantee their service!

Important Components of a Good Lease and Key Elements to Include

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Having a lease is crucial if you’re a landlord—it outlines the terms of your agreement and protects both you and the tenant during your arrangement. Your lease needs to be state specific; otherwise, it may not be enforceable in a court of law. In addition to outlining your responsibilities as well as those of the tenants,...

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