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Work With Your Tenants to Avoid Property Damage During Bad Weather

Patrick H. Page - Thursday, November 10, 2022
Extreme weather can happen any time of year, but the dropping temperatures and winter storms that the Northern Virginia area sees can make managing a rental property extra challenging.Bitter cold temperatures can make it harder for your rental property’s heating system to work. Snow and ice create hazardous outdoor conditions and im...

Are You Making These Mistakes With Your Income Property Lease?

Patrick H. Page - Friday, October 7, 2022
The lease agreement for your income property is essential. It defines your relationship with your renters and the terms for their tenancy while protecting both parties. The lease is a legally binding agreement, so it’s crucial to ensure it’s updated, correct, and reflective of the terms you want your renters to abide by. New...

How to Fill Vacancies in Your Income Property Faster

Patrick H. Page - Thursday, September 8, 2022
Vacancies in your rental property quickly translate to lost income. Ideally, you would avoid vacancies whenever possible and be able to find new tenants easily. Or, even better, renew leases with your existing tenants. However, there are situations where a vacancy is unavoidable. So what can you do in such situations as a landlord in Nor...

Single-Family Rentals Are Surging: Here’s What to Know

Patrick H. Page - Thursday, August 11, 2022
While single-family rentals have always been a popular segment of the rental market, they have experienced a surge during the pandemic and continue to be in demand. Currently, single-family rentals now house 42% of all renters. Starter homes are also in short supply right now, which means more people are renting until they can afford to ...

Is Renter’s Insurance Necessary for Your Income Property?

Patrick H. Page - Friday, July 8, 2022
Renter’s insurance, also called tenant insurance, is a separate insurance policy landlords often require renters to have. Although renters pay for the policy, it can act in favor of both tenants and landlords by reducing the liability of the property owner and covering the tenant’s items should they become damaged on the prop...

Do You Need a Home Warranty If You Have a Property Manager?

Patrick H. Page - Wednesday, June 8, 2022
If you have a rental property you know that dealing with repairs to your unit can be expensive and stressful. But could a home warranty help you cover some of these costs—and reduce the hassle? Home warranties can certainly be beneficial should a covered system or appliance break. However, while they may help landlords save money, ...

Is Maintenance Included in My Property Management Costs?

Patrick H. Page - Monday, May 9, 2022
Property management and property maintenance aren’t considered the same thing by some companies. Depending on the property management agency you choose, maintenance may or may not be included in their fee structure. How can you know if your property manager will be responsible for maintenance, and what is the cost difference b...

Should You Hire a Property Manager? 3 Signs It May Be Time

Patrick H. Page - Monday, April 11, 2022
Hiring a property manager is a big decision to make. After all, your income property is part of your livelihood, and it’s an investment that you want to last. Working with a property management company has its benefits, but is it the right option for you? Here are three signs it may be time for you to consider hiring a property mana...

Top Mistakes of New Landlords in Virginia

System - Monday, March 7, 2022
As a new landlord, you’re inevitably to make a few mistakes as you establish your income property. Fortunately, you don’t have to let your learning curve jeopardize your relationships with tenants, the profitability of your income property, or your long-term success as a landlord. The following are some of the top mistakes of ...

What Home Improvements Should I Make to My Income Property?

Eric Guggenheimer - Tuesday, February 8, 2022
When making any home improvements to your rental property in Northern Virginia, you want to be sure you’re getting the best return on your investment. Many renters look for upgrades in a rental, especially when they plan on staying in a property long term. Conducting a few minor but important updates can make your property stand ou...

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