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Make Your Rental Property More Fire Safe With These Tips

Patrick H. Page - Friday, September 8, 2023
An average of 340,000 homes in the United States experience fires each year, and thousands of people die in fires annually. When you have an income property, you need to be sure it’s as safe as possible from a potential fire to protect both your tenants and your investment. So what can you do to ensure proper fire safety at your i...

What You Need to Know When Purchasing an Investment Property With an HOA

Patrick H. Page - Wednesday, August 9, 2023
If you’re considering purchasing an investment property in a community with a homeowner’s association (HOA), you may not be able to rent your property as planned. HOAs have certain restrictions on rental properties that may make it more challenging to have the rental property you’ve been dreaming of. So what do you nee...

What Kind of Insurance Do Rental Property Owners Need?

Patrick H. Page - Monday, July 10, 2023
If you have a rental property in Northern Virginia, it’s imperative to have the right kind of insurance to protect your investment. But what kind of insurance do rental property owners need? A simple homeowner’s insurance policy is not enough. Landlords need what is commonly called a landlord policy for their rental property....

How Much Rental Property Income Should Landlords Budget for Maintenance?

Patrick H. Page - Thursday, June 15, 2023
A well-managed investment property can result in a steady stream of income, but it’s certainly not without its expenses. Therefore, it’s essential for landlords to correctly budget for rental property maintenance to cover these costs. Doing so can ensure you always have enough to cover your expenses and avoid debt. But how mu...

How to Have Positive Relationships With Your Tenants as a Landlord in Northern Virginia

Patrick H. Page - Friday, May 5, 2023
Tenant relationships are the center of your business as a landlord. After all, without renters, you don’t have a profitable investment. However, maintaining a positive landlord-tenant bond goes further than preventing vacancies. It can ensure your tenants feel safe, happy, and welcome—all the more reason for them to take exce...

What Is the Role of a Property Manager in Northern Virginia?

Patrick H. Page - Monday, April 10, 2023
Property managers have many roles and responsibilities when working with Northern Virginia property owners. A property manager should have the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure your income property runs smoothly, including knowledge of landlord-tenant laws. When you’re considering hiring a property manager, it’s import...

Creating a Landlord LLC

Patrick H. Page - Monday, March 6, 2023
If you’re a landlord with one or multiple income properties, you may have wondered if setting up a landlord LLC is worth it. A landlord LLC (Limited Liability Company) is a designation that helps limit your personal liability, hence its name. You have the option of setting up an LLC by yourself or with multiple people. Unlike corpo...

How to Find the Best Northern Virginia Property Management Company

Patrick H. Page - Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Hiring a property management company requires doing your due diligence as a landlord. Since your property manager plays a significant role in your investment’s success, choosing the right professional to assist with your income property is essential. But how can you find the best Northern Virginia property management company? The f...

Should You Use a Property Manager or DIY Maintenance? The Pros and Cons of Each

Patrick H. Page - Thursday, January 12, 2023
When you’re an income property owner, you have to decide if you’ll be handling the maintenance of the property yourself or if you should consider hiring a property manager. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for Northern Virginia property owners when it comes to maintenance. It depends on your skill level, how mu...

The Top 5 Apartment Maintenance Tips for Northern Virginia Landlords

Patrick H. Page - Thursday, December 1, 2022
Maintaining an investment property that’s an apartment or apartment complex can be more challenging than maintaining a single-family home.Multi-family buildings come with their own challenges and require proper maintenance to keep the property safe and your tenants satisfied. This is true whether you have a small or large apartment ...

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