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3 Problems Commonly Faced by Virginia Landlords and How to Fix Them

Eric Guggenheimer - Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Being a landlord isn’t without its challenges. Landlords in Virginia have many different responsibilities, and managing all the tasks it takes to keep your income properties running smoothly is important. However, these duties can often come with setbacks or issues that can affect the profitability of your unit. Here are three of th...

Northern VA Neighborhoods Growing in Popularity for Tenants in 2021

Eric Guggenheimer - Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Despite the challenges the rental market in Northern Virginia has seen in the past year, Northern Virginia remains a popular place to rent due to its proximity to DC and the many amenities its neighborhoods have to offer. But what areas are the most popular for renters in 2021? Here are the Northern VA neighborhoods that come to the ...

Lowering Landlord Repair Costs & Delivering Better Outcomes by Using Property Maintenance Intelligen...

Eric Guggenheimer - Friday, February 19, 2021
At Circle Property Management, part of our mission is to resolve work requests as quickly and effectively as possible. That’s why we developed our Property Maintenance Intelligence system to help lower landlord repair costs. Since 2015, our system has saved property owners thousands of dollars and improved landlord-tenant relat...

Property Maintenance Tasks: Who’s Responsible for What?

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, January 13, 2021
When it comes to your income property in Northern Virginia, maintenance is one of the primary responsibilities for a successful and sustainable income. Maintenance keeps your property looking great, reduces the chances for emergency fixes (and related expenses!), and results in greater tenant satisfaction, which can maximize your chances ...

Are Virginia Landlords Obligated to Approve Roommates?

Eric Guggenheimer - Friday, December 11, 2020
Having a reliable, long-term tenant for your income property is any landlord’s goal—you want a steady, dependable income from your tenants. But what happens when your renter decides they want a roommate to help with the rent and share the responsibilities of the unit? Are you obligated to approve such a request? While there ar...

Renovations to Make in Your Income Property Before Putting It on the Market

Eric Guggenheimer - Friday, November 20, 2020
You want your income property to look its best before putting it on the market. An attractive listing can not only interest more tenants, but help you find the right fit for long-term rental income. With the right renovations, you can give your rental property the chance to make its best impression.Of course, you don’t need to ...

How Much Are Tenant Pet Deposits and What Do They Cover?

Eric Guggenheimer - Monday, October 12, 2020
As a landlord, you have the right to deny renters with pets, except for those with service animals, as per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These animals are technically not considered to be pets.Yet the majority of renters have pets, and they expect to pay a pet deposit or fee when renting with a pet (service animals are exclud...

How Property Managers Deliver Value by Hiring the Best Contractors

Eric Guggenheimer - Friday, September 25, 2020
Managing your income property on a good day is stressful enough. But what happens when your unit needs work done? Whether it’s routine maintenance such as an appliance repair or an emergency plumbing situation, having a support network in place to help you handle the issue is immensely helpful.Your local property manager is establis...

Observations of COVID’s Impact on the Northern Virginia Rental Market

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, September 2, 2020
COVID-19 has turned the world as we know it upside down. People have lost jobs, kids are out of school, and many of those still employed are doing remote work.  Our current global pandemic has certainly affected the rental market as well, but not in the way you might think. COVID’s impact on the Northern Virginia rental ma...

Should Virginia Landlords Allow Pets in Their Rental Properties?

Eric Guggenheimer - Wednesday, July 1, 2020
A growing number of renters have animal companions and are looking for units that accept pets. An estimated 50-90% of tenants own a pet and need housing where landlords allow them.While Virginia law doesn’t require you to allow pets in your rental property—outside of service or emotional support animals—accepting pets ha...

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